NebulaGraph Python Client  release-3.8
GraphStorageClient Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for GraphStorageClient:
+ Collaboration diagram for GraphStorageClient:

Public Member Functions

def __init__ (self, meta_cache, storage_addrs=None, time_out=60000)
def set_user_passwd (self, user, passwd)
def get_conns (self)
def __del__ (self)
def close (self)
def get_space_addrs (self, space_name)
def scan_vertex (self, space_name, tag_name, prop_names=[], limit=DEFAULT_LIMIT, start_time=DEFAULT_START_TIME, end_time=DEFAULT_END_TIME, where=None, only_latest_version=False, enable_read_from_follower=True, partial_success=False)
def scan_vertex_with_part (self, space_name, part, tag_name, prop_names=[], limit=DEFAULT_LIMIT, start_time=DEFAULT_START_TIME, end_time=DEFAULT_END_TIME, where=None, only_latest_version=False, enable_read_from_follower=True, partial_success=False)
def scan_edge (self, space_name, edge_name, prop_names=[], limit=DEFAULT_LIMIT, start_time=DEFAULT_START_TIME, end_time=DEFAULT_END_TIME, where=None, only_latest_version=False, enable_read_from_follower=True, partial_success=False)
def scan_edge_with_part (self, space_name, part, edge_name, prop_names=[], limit=DEFAULT_LIMIT, start_time=DEFAULT_START_TIME, end_time=DEFAULT_END_TIME, where=None, only_latest_version=False, enable_read_from_follower=True, partial_success=False)

Public Attributes


Static Public Attributes

 DEFAULT_END_TIME = sys.maxsize
int DEFAULT_LIMIT = 1000
string user = ""
string passwd = ""

Detailed Description

Definition at line 33 of file

Member Function Documentation

◆ close()

def close (   self)
close the GraphStorageClient


Definition at line 64 of file

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_conns()

def get_conns (   self)
get all connections which connect to storaged, the ScanResult use it

:return: list<GraphStorageConnection>

Definition at line 54 of file

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ get_space_addrs()

def get_space_addrs (   self,
get all storage addresses that manage space

:param space_name: the specified space name
:return: list<(ip, port)>

Definition at line 94 of file

◆ scan_edge()

def scan_edge (   self,
  prop_names = [],
  limit = DEFAULT_LIMIT,
  start_time = DEFAULT_START_TIME,
  end_time = DEFAULT_END_TIME,
  where = None,
  only_latest_version = False,
  enable_read_from_follower = True,
  partial_success = False 
scan edge with the specified space_name, edge_name,
if the prop_names is empty, will return all properties of the edge

:param prop_names: if given empty, return all property
:param edge_name: the edge name
:param space_name: the space name
:param limit: the max vertex number from one storaged
:param start_time: the min version of vertex
:param end_time: the max version of vertex
:param where: now is unsupported
:param only_latest_version: when storage enable multi versions and only_latest_version is true,
only return latest version.
when storage disable multi versions, just use the default value.
:param enable_read_from_follower: if set to false, forbid follower read
:param partial_success: if set true, when partial success, it will continue until finish
:return: ScanResult

Definition at line 248 of file

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ scan_edge_with_part()

def scan_edge_with_part (   self,
  prop_names = [],
  limit = DEFAULT_LIMIT,
  start_time = DEFAULT_START_TIME,
  end_time = DEFAULT_END_TIME,
  where = None,
  only_latest_version = False,
  enable_read_from_follower = True,
  partial_success = False 
scan edge with the specified space_name, partId, edge_name,
if the prop_names is empty, will return all properties of the edge

:param space_name: the space name
:param part: the partition num of the given space
:type prop_names: if given empty, return all property
:param edge_name: the edge name
:param limit: the max vertex number from one storaged
:param start_time: the min version of edge
:param end_time: the max version of edge
:param where: now is unsupported
:param only_latest_version: when storage enable multi versions and only_latest_version is true,
only return latest version.
when storage disable multi versions, just use the default value.
:param enable_read_from_follower: if set to false, forbid follower read
:param partial_success: if set true, when partial success, it will continue until finish
:return: ScanResult

Definition at line 293 of file

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ scan_vertex()

def scan_vertex (   self,
  prop_names = [],
  limit = DEFAULT_LIMIT,
  start_time = DEFAULT_START_TIME,
  end_time = DEFAULT_END_TIME,
  where = None,
  only_latest_version = False,
  enable_read_from_follower = True,
  partial_success = False 
scan vertex with the specified space_name, tag_name,
if the prop_names is empty, will return all properties of the tag

:param prop_names: if given empty, return all property
:param tag_name: the tag name
:param space_name: the space name
:param limit: the max vertex number from one storaged
:param start_time: the min version of vertex
:param end_time: the max version of vertex
:param where: now is unsupported
:param only_latest_version: when storage enable multi versions and only_latest_version is true,
only return latest version.
when storage disable multi versions, just use the default value.
:param enable_read_from_follower: if set to false, forbid follower read
:param partial_success: if set true, when partial success, it will continue until finish
:return: ScanResult

Definition at line 102 of file

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ scan_vertex_with_part()

def scan_vertex_with_part (   self,
  prop_names = [],
  limit = DEFAULT_LIMIT,
  start_time = DEFAULT_START_TIME,
  end_time = DEFAULT_END_TIME,
  where = None,
  only_latest_version = False,
  enable_read_from_follower = True,
  partial_success = False 
scan vertex with the specified space_name, partId, tag_name,
if the prop_names is empty, will return all properties of the tag

:param prop_names: if given empty, return all property
:param tag_name: the tag name
:type part: part id
:param space_name: the space name
:param limit: the max vertex number from one storaged
:param start_time: the min version of vertex
:param end_time: the max version of vertex
:param where: now is unsupported
:param only_latest_version: when storage enable multi versions and only_latest_version is true,
only return latest version.
when storage disable multi versions, just use the default value.
:param enable_read_from_follower: if set to false, forbid follower read
:param partial_success: if set true, when partial success, it will continue until finish
:return: ScanResult

Definition at line 147 of file

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ set_user_passwd()

def set_user_passwd (   self,
set user and password for scan. only useful for enterprise

Definition at line 47 of file

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: