Caution: This section links to third party projects that provide functionality required by nebula-operator. The nebula-operator project authors aren’t responsible for these projects.
CoreDNS is a flexible, extensible DNS server which can be installed as the in-cluster DNS for pods.
NebulaGraph each component can communicate via DNS like x.default.svc.cluster.local, coredns is used for address resolution.
Note: If you set helm chart nebula-operator .Values.admissionWebhook.create to false, the cert-manager is not needed.
cert-manager is a tool that automates certificate management. It makes use of extending the Kubernetes API server using a Webhook server to provide dynamic admission control over cert-manager resources.
Refer to the cert-manager installation documentation to get started.
cert-manager is used for validating NebulaGraph each component replicas, if you run it in production environment and care high availability, you should set .Values.admissionWebhook.create to true and install cert-manager.
Note: If you set helm chart nebula-operator .Values.enableKruise.create to false, the kruise suites is not needed.
openkruise is a full set of standard extensions for Kubernetes. It works well with original Kubernetes and provides more powerful and efficient features for managing applications Pods, sidecar containers, and even images on Node.
Refer to the openkruise installation documentation to get started.